Goal link per team member
You can now set a goal link for each team member, for example their own Calendly scheduling link, instead of using the same call-to-action throughout the campaign. You can configure the link for each team member by going to "Settings" -> "Scheduling links", which can be overwritten per campaign.
Fixes & improvements
- Added full support for self-serve email warming by adding an App password.
- Added Changelog to view new updates and improvements to FirstQuadrant.
- For customers using Slack Connect, we now show a direct link to the Slack channel under "Help and support".
- We've improved the click tracking accuracy by using a client-side redirect rather than a server-side one.
- We now standardize company names by removing suffixes like "...LLC" and "...Real Estate Inc." when generating emails.
- Fixed an error in the layout of incoming emails if they had a long paragraph in quotes.
- Fixed a bug where existing emails were not unscheduled when archiving a campaign.
- We now directly use an existing audience when connected if it's not used in another audience.
- Improved interface of the "Goal" section of the campaign creation flow.