
    May 15, 2023

    Screenshot of FirstQuadrant's training step

    Single training step

    We've made it much easier to create a new campaign by eliminating the email revision steps. Now, you can start a campaign in a single step by providing a training email and FirstQuadrant will understand the structure and messaging of your email and create a campaign for you. We're also working on additional ways to make it easier to create and edit campaigns, so stay tuned!

    Fixes & improvements

    • We've added confirmation dialogs to all destructive actions, such as deleting a campaign.
    • Fixed a bug in tracking consequent opens and clicks in sent messages.
    • UI improvements to modals and buttons.
    • We now take both the job title and LinkedIn headline into consideration when generating messages.
    • We've updated the default scheduling time from 9 am to 5 pm to 8 am to 7 pm to increase the sending window.
    • Added link to FirstQuadrant Docs when selecting a custom goal in the campaign creation flow.
    • Added "Feature preview" to the settings page to allow teams to opt-in to upcoming features.