
    June 5, 2023

    Screenshot of FirstQuadrant's draft campaigns feature

    Draft campaigns

    We're excited to ship one of our most requested features: Draft campaigns. As soon as you start creating a campaign, it will automatically be saved as a draft, and each change will be saved as you go along. The "Create new campaign" button will be switched to "Edit draft campaign" so you can pick up where you left off, and finalize your campaign when you're ready.

    Fixes & improvements

    • You can now select the campaign schedule with different hours for each day.
    • Redesigned the campaign creation flow with summaries for each step.
    • You can now view and edit the offering details when creating a campaign.
    • You can now create and update personalized fields for team members and offerings in Settings.
    • We've added instant deletes using optimistic UI to all views, so the app should feel a lot snappier.
    • Fixed a bug where you were unable to delete existing personalized fields for team members.
    • Fixed a bug where select "New audience" when creating a campaign would not work.