
    August 28, 2023

    Screenshot of FirstQuadrant's enriched fields feature

    Enriched fields are available

    A few months ago, we launched Enriched fields in preview. After a lot of feedback, testing, and optimization, we're happy to announce that Enriched fields are now available to all customers in general availability. With enriched fields, you can add custom fields that you can add for organization during campaign training or email approval that are automatically updated with information from around the web in real time. You can add up to ten enriched fields in the context panel.

    Fixes & improvements

    • Added an easy way to enable and disable mailboxes in Settings
    • Added a shortcut in the context panel to add an organization to Exclude lists
    • Added a message in the brief time a message is being scheduled
    • We've added faster timezone detection using a new optimized method
    • Fixed a keyboard shortcut error was deleting messages conflicted with removing text
    • Fixed the timeline colors in dark theme
    • Fixed a bug where a random delay was added even when "Send now" was requested
    • Fixed a UI bug where there was horizontal scrolling when an email address was too long
    • Fixed a spacing UI bug in Safari on the landing page