
    May 6, 2024

    Screenshot of FirstQuadrant's Qualification interface


    In February, we released the feature preview of a new feature called AI prospecting. Today, we're excited to announce that AI prospecting is now called Qualification, and is now available to all customers. Qualification is a new feature that uses LLMs to help you find relevant leads that match your ICP. After you select an audience using traditional filters (e.g., Founders of Series A startups in the Marketing industry headquartered in San Francisco), you can ask custom questions like "Is this company remote work-friendly?" or "Is this company funded by Y Combinator?" and your prospects will be filtered to match your criteria. You can also add custom rules for qualification based negative responses, enrichment status, work or personal emails, and more.

    Fixes & improvements

    • Add support for duplicating existing campaigns.
    • Updated replies to referral emails to specifically mention previous exchange.
    • Made database queries faster by adding additional indices.
    • Redesigning "Schedule" when creating and updating campaigns to use number of emails instead of first contacts.
    • Added custom headers to all emails sent by FirstQuadrant for better tracking and debugging.
    • Fixed a bug where syncing emails from mailboxes was sometimes delayed.
    • Fixed a bug where the HTML content of a forwarded email was not correctly displayed.
    • Fixed a bug where an email was sometimes synced more than once.
    • Fixed a bug where a provided Apollo ID was not used when matching contacts in uploaded CSV audiences.
    • Fixed a bug where replies were processed before completing an email sync, causing a race condition.